Engage the best talents from India, without any barriers!
Partner with us
To experience seamless onboarding & managing talent in India
Engage local talent!
As per Indian Laws & provide benefits through our EOR
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Expand & bring your business to India

India is best known for its vast pool of young & skilled human resources & is one of the fastest growing economy in the world. As a global entity, If you have vision of expanding business in the world market, then definitely you cannot miss India.

Global companies that have ventured into India and have their back offices, support functions, engineering arms, research & development offices, captive center, offshore entities, branch offices etc., are reaping significant benefits

Convert contractors, part-timers & freelance consultants to your own dedicated staff NOW!

Payroll & benefits, a critical part of engaging talent in India, will now be handled professionally by us

Paving the way for you for your presence in India

With Nexintel’s EOR Services, global entities can now expand its business, hire, and manage employees in India, without having to set up their own legal entities. You can acquire a ‘presence’ in India by leveraging local HR & legal infrastructure already established by us.

You can legally & conveniently operate in India & add full-time team members to your global operations in no time, without having to establish a foreign entity.

Single Consolidated Invoice

For all the services you receive under the agreed EOR Service engagement, you will receive just one consolidated invoice per month. This makes the whole arrangement simple, transparent, clear, & predictable.

There will be no surprise invoices, no hidden costs